USC experts take long look at the beginnings of Alzheimers disease
Researchers in different disciplines try to pinpoint its start, and consider treatments from there; November is National Alzheimers Awareness Month
Alzheimers, a disease that can bankrupt families financially and emotionally, is a wicked problem for which there is no cure even though it was discovered more than a century ago. Family caregivers, according to the Alzheimers Association, spend an average of at least $5,000 a year to support a loved one with Alzheimers, the sixth leading cause of death in the United States.
As National Alzheimers Awareness Month gets underway Tuesday, USCs robust community of internationally recognized faculty is working to demystify the degenerative disease and find ways to prevent, treat and cure it.
Ongoing trials show promise
Thirty years ago, there were no treatments for Alzheimers disease. There was no acceptance of the idea that memory could be treated because memory seems a vague notion … Weve come a long way since then. We have developed the tools to study drugs for Alzheimers and have developed effective therapies.
But the sad truth is that one-third of people over 65 have evidence of brain pathology called amyloid that leads to Alzheimers disease. Today Alzheimers disease is not considered to be a disorder that begins with the onset of dementia. Its a disease that begins 15 or 20 years earlier.
Director of the USC Alzheimers Therapeutic Research Institute and a professor of neurology at the Keck School of Medicine of USC
Identifying the risks
We do not yet know how to prevent or cure Alzheimers disease. The two main risk factors are old age and genetics. Our group is studying twins to identify risk factors that, once modified, may slow or delay the degenerative disease.
Because twins share the same genetic risk, we can more directly study contributing factors to Alzheimers based on variations within the pair. Using this design, we have identified midlife diabetes, overweight and stress as modifiable risk factors. Higher education and a more complex occupation protect against Alzheimers.
Professor of psychology at the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Investigating ground zero
The first place in the brain that Alzheimers pathology is seen is in a small brainstem nucleus called the locus coeruleus. By age 30, nearly everyone has some initial signs of this pathology in the locus coeruleus. In our research, we are examining how the locus coeruleus contributes to emotion and cognition and how it is affected in aging and Alzheimers disease.
Professor of gerontology at the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology