USC Gould graduate Aysha Pamukcu is combining her passion for social justice and public interest law.
Social Impact
News Listing
USC Price’s Geraldine Knatz chronicles the rise and fall of the Los Angeles County island, including the Japanese village destroyed by the U.S. government.
GREEN WEEK: The council’s 18th annual Sustainability Summit was held at Town and Gown during the university’s Green Week observation.
More than half of adults surveyed worldwide expect to be seriously harmed by their drinking water within the next two years.
Center for Inclusive Democracy finds persistent low turnout for Latino, Asian American and Black voters in all nine swing states. Boosting groups’ participation could be gamechanger in November.
USC researchers’ discovery came in a study of an intergenerational community program.
A USC study reveals that people are more familiar with tried-and-true names for climate change — including “climate change.”
At the USC Capital Campus, the USC Dornsife Public Exchange and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy explore how nature can be used to fight floods, heatwaves, fires and more.
USC Dornsife’s Paulina Oliva is developing tools to help policymakers understand how air pollution affects communities in disparate ways.
USC experts in international relations and foreign policy discuss how the Olympics shape — and are shaped by — global politics.