News Releases

USC Rossier School of Education Introduces New Online Master’s Program

January 27, 2009

The University of Southern California’s Rossier School of Education is currently accepting applications for a new online program that will allow students to obtain a Master of Arts in Teaching degree through the use of interactive technologies such as streaming video, animation and other Web 2.0 tools.

The MAT@USC program is aimed at students who might not be able to pursue a traditional program due to time and distance limitations. It is billed as the country’s first Master of Arts in Teaching degree delivered online from a major research university, and the first cohort will start in June 2009.

MAT@USC program combines online learning with carefully selected field-based experiences, and provides ongoing support for new teachers, including job placement assistance and significant tuition reimbursement opportunities. The program can be completed in as little as one year on a full-time basis, or can be spread over two to three years part-time. Students may complete the online program from anywhere in the country.

The USC Rossier School has redesigned its proven curriculum and customized it for the e-learning environment, which includes the integration of interactive lectures using streaming video, animation and Web 2.0 technologies. Taught by full-time USC faculty, the program is organized into a conceptual framework based on the theories of learning and combines online coursework with student teaching at selected K-12 schools.

“We are excited to welcome students from all over the country into MAT@USC, an online masters program of unprecedented quality in higher education,” said USC Rossier School of Education Dean Karen Symms Gallagher. “For the first time ever, students will be able to achieve a Master of Arts in Teaching degree from a highly respected school like USC without having to relocate to Southern California. Through the quality, convenience and accessibility of this online program, we are committed to producing many more qualified, rigorously trained teachers who will effect real change in high-need school districts.”

Comprehensive student support services will be offered to all MAT@USC candidates, from program application, coursework and school placements to job opportunities and career advancement; this will render it unlike any other program in the country. In addition to offering the availability of counselors and staff up to 16 hours a day, the program will unobtrusively monitor candidate performance on a variety of metrics to alert faculty of any difficulties in mastering coursework.

Opportunities for partial tuition reimbursement exist for MAT@USC graduates who commit to teaching in high-need school districts for five years. Tuition for MAT@USC is the same as for the USC on-campus program; students in the program are real USC students who can do everything from access the libraries to walk at commencement with a degree that is identical to an on-campus degree.

MAT@USC is the country’s first and only online masters in teaching program that will have the capability to train and prepare candidates who are new to the teaching profession. MAT@USC allows students to obtain a California teaching credential, and will assist candidates in transferring to local certification. Additionally, current teachers can take advantage of the MAT@USC, utilizing the dynamic online program to improve their skills. The MAT@USC is also an excellent complement to MAE (Masters of Arts in Education) programs.

Upon successful completion of the MAT@USC coursework with academic standards met and graduation requirements fulfilled, students will receive a Master of Arts in Teaching Degree from the USC Rossier School of Education.

Interested candidates can visit or call (888) 628-1872 to begin the application process. MAT@USC candidates should have a target undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 (on a scale in which A=4.0).

About the USC Rossier School of Education

As part of the University of Southern California and located in the heart of urban Los Angeles, the USC Rossier (ross-EAR) School of Education is one of the world’s premiere centers for the study of urban education, preparing teachers and educational leaders who are committed to strengthening urban education locally, nationally and globally. USC Rossier is leading the search for innovative solutions to the challenges in urban education, devoted to creating mutually beneficial partnerships to rethink curricula, develop sound policy and improve educational environments. For more information, visit

Contact: Anna Cearley, USC Media Relations, at (213) 740-7895 or