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1 - 10 of 344 search results for USC study links ethnicity and estrogen levels to breast cancer risk

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News Releases
New USC research exploring the pandemic experiences of the Navajo Nation and the Klamath Tribes underscores the need for the U.S. to honor tribal water rights that have been legally recognized — but never delivered on — for over a century.
Research at USC is helping define the environment’s impact on the brain. Growing evidence links the long-term effects of dirty air to accelerated cognitive decline and dementia, and USC researchers hope to better understand environmental effects and gene-environment interactions on brain health.
Niki Kawakami will be the fifth in her family to earn an advanced USC degree — but her grandfather was cheated of his during World War II. Eighty years later, a gap in justice is closing.
The USC study of California death certificates shows foreign-born Latino adults face a significantly higher risk of dying from COVID than U.S.-born men and women who are not Hispanic.
News Releases
New research from the Keck School of Medicine of USC analyzes data pooled from the Epidemiology of Endometrial Cancer Consortium
Interdisciplinary USC study also reveals predictors of long COVID.
Researchers at USC explored the link between sedentary behavior and risk of dementia, find that type of activity matters when it comes to brain aging.
Outlawing controlled burns didn't work. As demand for prescribed fire increases across California, experts explore traditional and modern methods for building wildfire resilience in a burning world.
“It’s their finest hour.” Recent graduates of USC’s family nurse practitioner program help people with the greatest need face the threat of COVID-19.