pedestals next to Bovard Administration Building

The first of the four pedestals has been installed next to Bovard Administration Building. (USC Photo/Gus Ruelas)


Employees’ pandemic work honored with monuments representing USC’s Presidential Medallion

The pedestal monuments represent USC’s Presidential Medallion, presented to faculty, staff and health care frontline workers in recognition for service amid the challenges of COVID-19.

December 13, 2021 David Medzerian

In recognition of the extraordinary work of the university’s employees during the COVID-19 pandemic, four monuments are being placed around USC in honor of the unprecedented award.

The pedestal monuments represent the presentation of the 2021 Presidential Medallion to all of USC’s staff, faculty and health care professionals. USC President Carol L. Folt announced the recognition “to commemorate your extraordinary efforts for future generations of Trojans” during her State of the University address in April.

Closeup of pandemic recognition pedestal
The pedestals recognize the accomplishments of USC’s staff, faculty and health care professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. (USC Photo/Gus Ruelas)

“I am giving the medallion to all of our USC employees, not just for what you achieved, but for the great things to come – for our university, for our community and for the world,” Folt said.

The initial pedestal has been installed next to Bovard Administration Building on the University Park Campus. Others will be placed at the Keck School of Medicine of USC, Keck Hospital of USC and USC Verdugo Hills Hospital.

Award for pandemic service is top USC honor

The Presidential Medallion is the university’s top honor, awarded to those who have brought honor and distinction to the institution. Previous honorees have included faculty members George Olah and Arieh Warshel, both Nobel Laureates, and Pulitzer Prize-winner Viet Than Nguyen; filmmaker George Lucas, a USC alumnus and longtime supporter; and USC Trustee Wanda Austin, who served as the university’s interim president from 2018-2019.