Expertise Summary
Expert in landscape architectural design, urban history and urban theory
- landscape architecture
- cultural landscape
- urban design
- urban planning
- urban renewal
- public space
- participatory design
- community design
- community planning
- design activism
- memorialization
- public histories and politics of urban settlement
Additional Information
- Previously taught landscape architecture theory and design at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design, University of Virginia and University of Toronto.
- Forthcoming book, “City Choreographer: Lawrence Halprin and Public Performance in Urban Renewal America,” will be released by University of Minnesota Press in March 2014 and has received grant support from the Foundation for Landscape Studies (David R. Coffin Publication Grant) and the Graham Foundation. The book provides an analysis of the creative process Lawrence Halprin developed with his wife, dancer and choreographer Anna Halprin, and how aspects of this process have the potential to enrich contemporary approaches to structuring the city.
- Co-founder of foreground design agency, a transdisciplinary practice operating between the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, urbanism and the visual arts.
- Currently editing a book of essays by James Corner titled “The Landscape Imagination” (forthcoming through Princeton Architectural Press, March 2014) and has published in numerous journals, including Landscape Journal, the Journal of Architectural Education and Studies in the History of Gardens and Designed Landscapes.