Karla Heidelberg
- Professor (Teaching) of Biological Sciences and Environmental Studies
- marine ecology
- geobiology and ecology
- extreme environments (deep sea, Antarctica, hypersaline systems)
- international science policy and collaboration
- the environmental impact of biofuels
- microbial ecology
- biofilms
- environmental genomics and metagenomics
- microbial eukaryotes
- eukaryotic picoplankton
- protists
- biological oceanography
- coastal sustainability
- undergraduate education
- STEM (Science Technology, Engineering and Mathmathics) education
Additional Information
- Recipient of the U.S. State Dept. Meritorious Leadership Award for Global Oceans initiative (2004)
- Global program coordinator/scientist, Environmental Genomics Division, J. Craig Venter Institute (2003-2006)
- Part-time residential faculty at the USC Wrigley Institute on Catalina Island
- Featured in Discovery channel, National Geographic and several other documentaries about marine science
- Scientific diver with expertise in underwater media
- Work to train students at the interface of science and public communication