Lisa M. Bitel
- Dean's Professor of Religion and Professor of History
- Medieval Europe
- Middle Ages
- Medieval history
- Church history
- History of Christianity
- History
- Religion
- Religious Studies
- Christian Studies
- Christianity
- Medieval England
- Anglo-Saxons
- Ireland
- Irish
- Old Irish language
- Early Ireland
- Medieval Ireland
- Celtic Studies
- Celts
- Saints
- Visions
- Virgin Mary
- Monasticism
- Gender history
- Women's history
- Medieval landscapes
Additional Information
- Author of Women in Early Medieval Europe, 400-1100 (2002), Land of Women: Tales of Sex and Gender in Early Ireland (1996) and Isle of the Saints: Monastic Settlement and Christian Community in Early Ireland (1990)
- Editor of Matrix (
- Editorial advisory board member, Journal of Women’s History