Mike Gruntman
- Professor of Astronautics and Chair
- satellites and space vehicles
- rocketry and rocket propulsion
- astronautics
- space science and space technology
- space applications
- space exploration
- interstellar flight
- space instrumentation
- space environments
- orbital debris
- history of rocketry and space technology
- missile defense
- space education
- Russian
Additional Information
- Author (books): Fundamentals of Space Missions: Problems with Solutions (2022), My Fifteen Years at IKI, the Space Research Institute: Position-Sensitive Detectors and Energetic Neutral Atoms Behind the Iron Curtain (2022), Intercept 1961. The Birth of Soviet Missile Defense, AIAA, 2015; Blazing the Trail. The Early History of Spacecraft and Rocketry, AIAA, 2004, which received the International Academy of Astronautics’ Luigi Napolitano Award in 2006; From Astronautics to Cosmonautics (2007); Enemy Among Trojans. A Soviet Spy at USC (2010)
- Academician Member, International Academy of Astronautics
- Associate fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Member, government advisory panels at NASA and the Department of Energy
- Co-investigator, NASA space mission “Interstellar Boundary Explorer” to study the galactic frontier of the solar system (launched 2008)
- Co-investigator, NASA mission “TWINS” to study the magnetosphere
- NASA Group Achievement Awards, 2000, 2001, 2011
- Instructor, short courses on space technology for government and space industry
- Founder, USC Astronautics Program
- Founding Chairman of the USC Department of Astronautical Engineering
- Director, master’s program in space engineering
- Educational videos with more than million views on YouTube