Memorandum of Understanding signing

Anthony Bailey, USC vice president for strategic and global initiatives, and Ta Ngoc Tan, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics president, (front row, center) sign the memorandum of understanding March 2. (Photo/Larissa Puro)


USC partners with Vietnam political academy in research, collaboration projects

Gould, Price and Keck schools to work with Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics

March 07, 2016 Larissa Puro

A delegation of officials from Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, the primary institution for training the country’s civil service elite, signed a partnership agreement with three USC schools March 2 to facilitate research, student exchanges and faculty collaboration.

Deans Andrew Guzman of the USC Gould School of Law, Jack H. Knott of the USC Price School of Public Policy and Carmen A. Puliafito of the Keck School of Medicine of USC signed the memorandum of understanding, signaling continued collaboration and commitment between USC and Vietnam.

“We are delighted to deepen our partnership with the Ho Chi Minh Academy and extend our work together,” said Anthony Bailey, USC vice president for strategic and global initiatives, who also signed the agreement.

The official partnership is a manifestation of both institutions’ interests in education, research, training and development. Future collaboration will include joint education and research, visiting scholar exchanges and conferences.

The Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics is the training center for mid- and high-ranking leaders, managers and policymakers of the Vietnam Communist Party, the state and socio-political organizations. It is also a national center for political theory research directly run by the Party Central Committee and the government.