The study examined coverage of women’s sports by LA network affiliates and ESPN’s SportsCenter, seen here. (Photo/courtesy of ESPN.com)
When it comes to women in sports, TV news tunes out
A 25-year study of news coverage finds that TV sports segments and SportsCenter barely acknowledge female athletes
A USC study of TV news media has found that coverage of womens sports has barely budged in a quarter-century, despite dramatic increases in the number of girls and women playing youth, high school, college and professional sports.
The survey of Los Angeles broadcast affiliates and ESPNs SportsCenter reveals that coverage is actually less than it has been in the past.
In 2014, LA-based network affiliates devoted only 3.2 percent of airtime to womens sports, down from 5 percent in 1989. SportsCenter devoted a scant 2 percent of airtime to womens sports, a number that has remained flat since the study began tracking the nightly cable broadcast in 1999. When womens sports are covered at all, 81.6 percent of coverage is focused on basketball.
At the same time, mens sports coverage of the Big Three football, basketball and baseball has increased. The study found broadcasters devoted 74.5 percent of their sports reports to Big Three coverage, up from 68 percent in 2009. Big Three sports coverage continues well into the off-season, continuing storylines about teams and players even when no actual games are being played.
Dude time
The studys title It’s Dude Time!: A quarter century of excluding womens sports in televised news and highlight shows is a reference to a hockey clip found during the course of the research. In light of the dearth of coverage of womens sports, the sports announcers exclamation prompted the research team to ask: When is it not dude time?
Whats puzzling to us is that the increased interest and participation in womens sports has not at all been reflected in news and highlights shows.
Michael Messner
It really demonstrates the unevenness of social change, said Michael Messner, co-author of the study and professor of sociology and gender studies at the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences. Weve had this incredible explosion of girls and women going into sports in the last 40 years, and weve seen some improvement in the last 10 years in live TV coverage of some womens sports, like college basketball. Whats puzzling to us is that the increased interest and participation in womens sports has not at all been reflected in news and highlights shows.
The survey of sports news coverage has been conducted every five years since 1989. When it began, women rarely appeared, except to be portrayed as sex objects or the butt of a joke. Over time, that overt sexism has been replaced by a general absence of women altogether: Womens sports are rarely covered, and when female athletes are interviewed in any depth, its to portray them as mothers or girlfriends, stressing those roles over their roles as athletes.
The news is also delivered differently. Sports announcers, famous for their boisterous, colorful commentary, seem to rein in their humor and enthusiasm as soon as female athletes are onscreen. The delivery then becomes flat.
Thats what it feels like when the broadcast focuses on womens sports: Were going to give you the main course, then eat your vegetables [the womens sports coverage] and then well give you the dessert, Messner said.
The way the news was delivered is as troubling to Messner and his colleagues as how rarely it was delivered at all. Airtime is precious, and a 30-second segment goes a long way in connecting viewers with the storylines happening within a particular sport or league.
While womens sports gets little coverage, these stories did make it to the air:
a swarm of bees invading a Red Sox/Yankees game
a giant corndog that cost $25 at an Arizona Diamondbacks game
a ribbon-cutting for a restaurant opened by Tommy Lasorda
where former Lakers player Kendall Marshall will find a good burrito in Milwaukee (Chipotle)
a stray dog that became a spring training mascot for the Brewers
Though broadcasters have made admirable attempts to diversify their reporting teams in terms of race, gender has been overlooked. In the 2014 study, women made up less than 5 percent of sports anchors and 14.4 percent of ancillary sports reporters.
On the radar
With this research, we are trying to get womens sports on the radar not only for fans, but for generations of girls and boys, said study co-author Cheryl Cooky, associate professor of womens, gender and sexuality studies at Purdue University. Seeing womens sports through the same lens as we see mens would go a long way in shifting the cultural perceptions of gender roles and expectations.
Messner and his colleagues dont expect 50/50 sex equality overnight: There are far more mens sports leagues than womens, so it makes sense that there would be greater representation of male athletes overall. But the fact that coverage of mens Big Three sports so utterly dominated news coverage is problematic.
These shows function as a sort of mediated man cave.
Michael Messner
These shows function as a sort of mediated man cave a place set up by men for men to celebrate mens sensational athletic accomplishments, while for the most part ignoring womens, Messner said.
The study recommends a few practical benchmarks that would be signs of progress.
increasing the proportion of news and highlights airtime devoted to womens sports to 12-18 percent
allowing enough coverage to be able to develop storylines throughout a season or a year
reporting on womens sports with the same enthusiasm that mens coverage receives
hiring sports reporters or anchors who actually have some interest or background in womens sports
The study was conducted by Messner, Cooky and Michela Musto of USC Dornsifes Department of Sociology. The research was funded primarily through a grant from the University of Michigans Sport, Health, and Activity Research and Policy center, with supplemental support from the USC Center for Feminist Research, the USC Annenberg School for Communication and the Purdue Office of the Provost.