Earth Month: Your ultimate guide to USC experts
While Earth Day holds a special place on the calendar every April 22, USC dedicates the entire month of April to amplifying its message. Throughout the month, leading experts will be available for interviews to discuss pressing environmental issues and potential solutions. Browse our full directory of experts here.
Contact: Nina Raffio, raffio@usc.edu or (213) 442-8464; USC Media Relations, uscnews@usc.edu or (213) 740-2215
Climate Change & Extreme Weather
Will Berelson is an expert in chemical oceanography and coastal environmental chemistry. berelson@usc.edu
Wändi Bruine de Bruin is an expert in risk perception and communication, behavior change interventions for health, sustainability and well-being, and public perceptions of climate change. wandibdb@usc.edu
Bill Deverell is an expert in wildfires and the environmental history of the American West. deverell@usc.edu
Julien Emile-Geay is an expert in climate dynamics, global warming, El Nino/La Nina, dynamic climate models and forecasts, historical and geologic climate records, droughts, and southwestern U.S. climate variability. julieneg@usc.edu
Sarah Feakins is an expert in prehistoric climate change, especially water variability and its effects on life. feakins@usc.edu
Essam Heggy is an expert in environmental and climatic research in Earth’s arid areas and in water exploration on planets and on the Moon. heggy@usc.edu
Mahta Moghaddam is an expert in radar technologies, microwave systems and sensing technologies that measure the impact of climate change on Earth’s environment. mahta@usc.edu
Lowell Stott is an xpert in the causes and effects of climate change and climate variability, tropical ocean and atmospheric climatology and drought cycles. stott@usc.edu
Costas Synolakis is an expert in tsunamis, disaster mitigation, ocean dispersion of pollutants, coastal effects of long waves, coastal and ocean engineering and beach erosion. costas@usc.edu
Josh West is an expert in Earth’s landscapes, water and soil resources, and the carbon cycle and climate. joshwest@usc.edu
Biodiversity, Conservation & Ecology
David Caron is an expert on harmful algal blooms, microbial ecology and marine food webs. dcaron@usc.edu
Bistra Dilkina is an expert in AI for conservation, wildlife poaching and trafficking, disaster resilience and wildfire mapping. dilkina@usc.edu
David Ginsburg is an expert in marine environments, coastal zone conservation and policy, marine ecology and biology, coral reefs and pollution in ocean ecosystems. dginsbur@usc.edu
David Hutchins is an expert in marine ecology, phytoplankton and the effects of climate change on the ocean. dahutch@usc.edu
Carly Kenkel is an expert in coral reef biology, ecology, symbiosis and reef restoration. ckenkel@usc.edu
Jim Moffett is an expert in marine chemistry and the impacts of climate change on processes vital to the marine food web. jmoffett@usc.edu
Business of Sustainability & Energy Transition
Paul Adler is an expert in organization design, strategy formulation and implementation process and environmental sustainability. padler@marshall.usc.edu
Marlon Boarnet is an expert in the environmental impacts of transportation, transportation policy and climate change. boarnet@usc.edu
Shon Hiatt is an expert in entrepreneurship, strategy, innovation and sustainability in the global energy and agribusiness sectors. shiatt@marshall.usc.edu
Sanjay Sharma is an expert in sustainable investment banking and financial services. sanjays3@marshall.usc.edu
Greys Sosic is an expert in sustainable and green supply chains. sosic@marshall.usc.edu
Travis Williams is an expert in renewable energy, sustainable fuels and materials (biodiesel, hydrogen) and cleantech. travisw@usc.edu
Environmental Health
Max Aung is an expert in public health and environmental justice. maxaung@usc.edu
Ed Avol is an expert in respiratory health, air pollution and the public health impacts of traffic. avol@usc.edu
Shohreh Farzan is an expert in environmental epidemiology, molecular biology and toxicology. Her research focuses on the impact of environmental contaminants on maternal-child health, with a special interest in cardiometabolic health. sffarzan@usc.edu
Rima Habre is an expert in environmental exposures, air pollution mixtures and social stressors on the health of vulnerable populations across the life course. habre@usc.edu
Jill Johnston is an expert in environmental and climate justice, health disparities, and environmental hazards including toxic metals, lead, waste and pollution. jillj@usc.edu
Environmental Law & Public Policy
Santina Contreras is an expert in environmental planning, natural hazards, community engagement, international development, and engineering for development. santinac@usc.edu
Robin Craig is an expert in ocean and coastal law, climate change adaptation, water law, water rights, water pollution, Clean Water Act, adaptive governance and toxic torts. rcraig@law.usc.edu
Shannon Gibson is an expert in environmental activism, particularly as it relates to environmental justice and the Global South, and its impact on international environmental policy. smgibson@usc.edu
Matthew Kahn is an expert on climate change policy, energy efficiency and urban quality of life. kahnme@usc.edu
Esther Margulies is an expert in landscape architecture, sustainability and open spaces. emarguli@usc.edu
Manuel Pastor is an expert on sustainable development and social, economic and environmental justice; community organizing and social movements; and Los Angeles and California politics. mpastor@usc.edu
Adam Rose is an expert in the economics of natural and human-caused hazards, including earthquakes and terrorist attacks, and in climate change and energy policy. adam.rose@usc.edu
Additional Experts
Joe Árvai is an expert on how the public, business leaders, and policy makers think and make decisions about environmental issues and sustainability. arvai@usc.edu
Kandis Leslie Gilliard-AbdulAziz directs the Sustainable Lab, which focuses on developing novel materials for sustainable catalytic processes for low-carbon chemical production. kabdulaz@usc.edu
Massoud Pedram is an expert in green computing, the carbon footprint of computer systems, data center energy efficiencies, low power electronics and energy storage systems. pedram@ceng.usc.edu
Barath Raghavan is an expert in computational agro-ecology, fire mitigation and computing for social good. barath.raghavan@usc.edu
Alexander Robinson is an expert in landscape architecture and green infrastructure, GIS mapping, urban heat islands and water politics. alexander.robinson@usc.edu
Gale Sinatra is expert in climate science education, evolution education, public understanding of science and literacy. gsinatra@usc.edu
Jill Sohm is an expert in biological oceanography, microbial ecology, water pollution, microplastics, coastal processes and sustainability education. sohm@usc.edu