A USC co-author of the study says the genes that are correlated with educational attainment are expressed in the brain during prenatal development. Some of the genes also predict risk for Alzheimer’s disease, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.
News Listing
The ability to heal bone fractures is especially crucial for injured, multimillion-dollar athletes who spend big bucks to get back on the field or into the ring. Muscle and Medicine reported that hundreds of NFL players have invested in using stem cells to treat injuries.
Scientists hope that lessons learned from zebrafish jawbone regeneration might hold promise for healing severe human bone fractures.
The Guadalajara-born athlete will go pro in Europe for a few years, then hopes to return to USC for a master’s degree.
Rubi Garcia lets us follow her journey as a USC undergraduate and the first in her family to attend college.
The Renaissance Scholar couples the tech-savvy skills of a scientist with the smarts of an investment analyst.
The USC senior’s mom lost her eyesight to retinitis pigmentosa, but she hasn’t missed a minute of her daughter’s journey to the 2016 NCAA beach volleyball tournament and a national title.
USC’s new Masters of Communications Informatics degree and Innovation Teams will bring informatics to journalism and communication to data science.
USC’s Ellen Wayland-Smith’s new book, Oneida: From Free Love to the Well-Set Table, prompts the question: “When did your parents sit you down and tell you that your ancestors had been these crazy sex perverts?”
Alfonso Gonzales started at USC in 1947 as the first person in his family to go to college.