Offshore wind is facing new political headwinds, even as a new study shows that it is technically and financially more promising than ever.
News Listing
Both Joe Biden and Donald Trump are taking credit for the ceasefire. A USC expert looks at the deal — and the seemingly unlikely cooperation between the outgoing and incoming presidents’ staffs.
The prime minister succumbed to unpopularity, party infighting and questions over his response to the incoming U.S. administration.
The former congresswoman served as deputy secretary of the Cabinet in the Carter administration.
Analysis from USC education policy experts provides a measured look into the issues causing controversy for many local boards.
Trojans, many having voted in their first presidential election, come together for camaraderie, expert insights — and “moral support.”
Meddling in U.S. elections goes back to the era of James Madison and earlier, panelists note during USC Price’s George Washington Leadership Lecture Series at Mount Vernon in Virginia.
Romero, an expert on voter behavior and political representation, offers insights into what it will take to restore trust in America’s electoral process and safeguard inclusive democracy.
With misinformation on the rise and American voters increasingly losing faith in elections, USC experts explore strategies to restore confidence in democracy.
Lerman, an expert on how people communicate in digital spaces, explains how misinformation thrives on emotional triggers — and why traditional fact-checking often misses the mark.