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1 - 10 of 328 search results for HONORARY DEGREES

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USC’s 140th commencement ceremony will include the presentation of honorary degrees to three internationally renowned figures: Frances Arnold, Kevin Feige and Dolores Huerta.
COMMENCEMENT 2022: The well-known names include leaders from the worlds of philanthropy, entertainment, sports and journalism.
It’s a historic act of atonement, as the university presents families from around the world diplomas in the names of Japanese American USC students who were forced into detention in 1942.
Recipients include a groundbreaking U.S. Congress member, a world-renowned dancer, extraordinary humanitarians and philanthropists, a pioneering statistician and a USC music icon.
COMMENCEMENT: Honorary degree recipients include an award-winning filmmaker, a sports legend, a geophysicist and the Los Angeles-raised chair of the National Endowment for the Arts. 
USC researcher Douglas Noble discusses the impact of climate change on Old Faithful, shrinking glaciers and desert oases.
Niki Kawakami will be the fifth in her family to earn an advanced USC degree — but her grandfather was cheated of his during World War II. Eighty years later, a gap in justice is closing.
From humanities to high tech: How liberal arts majors are flourishing in unexpected fields.