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USC 2016 | From actors to musicians to comedians to politicians, you never know who you might run into.
News Releases
In contrast, stressed women show increased brain coordination when looking at angry faces
From infrequently social distancing to visiting more indoor venues, a new USC study finds that young Republicans are more likely than their peers to disregard public health recommendations.
The USC Mrs. T.H. Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy has implemented several measures to minimize the risk of COVID-19 transmission among students, faculty, staff and patients.
You probably wouldn’t want to wear this heavy, smelly invention by Aroussiak Gabrielian of the USC School of Architecture. It’s aimed at getting people to think harder about the future of food production and waste.
The poll was built to account for post-convention bounces and news cycles. It also asks panel respondents to rate their chances of voting for a particular candidate, rather than a selecting a simple yes, no or unsure/other, in addition to taking into account past voting.
The poll’s results, updated nightly, have often differed from its counterparts’ numbers since it debuted in July.
USC’s Arthur W. Toga notes that for more than 5 million Americans and their families, the annual event Sept. 22 simply highlights the reality that they face each and every day.
These new buildings will become the spots where students will learn, perform research and meet their new best friends for life.
Unrewarding mentor relationships and difficult co-workers may be two causes of burnout, USC study finds.