Kohlt, an accomplished historian of science, scholar of comparative literature, and expert in science communication, brings her diverse expertise and passion for Carroll’s works to the new fellowship.
News Listing
Is AI creative? A USC forum works to dispel myths about what artificial intelligence is currently able to do.
Works by Bach, Brahms, Mozart? and others are effective aids that improve sleep patterns and reduce stress, studies find.
TITLE IX: The USC School of Dramatic Arts dean has thrived despite some people’s outdated attitudes.
USC Rossier faculty members are leading the way toward bringing equity-minded change to graduate education.
The American Southwest braces for economic impact as pressure mounts in negotiations over the river’s dwindling water supplies.
The professor emeritus was instrumental in the founding of the USC Dornsife Center for Religion and Civic Culture, the USC Family of Schools and the Thematic Option program.
Jermaine Anthony Richards is studying how transmedia storytelling animates human security politics, security cultures and political movements.
“It’s the students and their artistic voice that matter,” says Alexandra Billings.
USC experts discuss the new drug cocktail that doesn’t respond to naloxone, the opioid-reversal drug that has averted many deaths from fentanyl.