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USC Dornsife experts are using the concept of taste as a teaching tool — think diverse dishes, fusion food and even sautéed grasshoppers.
They had to rethink how to connect with the public. Turns out “Botticelli on Zoom” and art talks from the couch might change the way Americans get their culture fix.
Interdisciplinary USC study also reveals predictors of long COVID.
Hollywood’s labor strikes underscore the USC Digital Repository’s role in preserving television’s past for future generations.
Social Impact
TITLE IX: “In my early career, there were just so few of us. I didn’t know that many women doctors,” says Roberta Williams.
The Washington, D.C.-area native originally had a career in medicine in mind, but a stint at an architecture camp set her down the STEM path.
Researchers at USC explored the link between sedentary behavior and risk of dementia, find that type of activity matters when it comes to brain aging.
The word gets thrown around a lot, often with differing and even contradictory meanings. A USC Dornsife scholar and political economist explains the origins and evolution of this complex concept.
iAsia Brown spent 16 years as a gay woman in a “don’t ask, don’t tell” military. Now, she’s producing Xbox games, chasing her master’s degree at USC Marshall and painting images that stop viewers in their tracks.
USC Viterbi’s Sangpil Yoon uses high-frequency ultrasound to deliver molecules through cells.