A lifelong dancer, Needham plans to blend ballet with a career in occupational therapy.
Occupational Therapy
News Listing
A USC-coordinated project will build formal alliances that accentuate the perspectives of autistic people, their family members and caregivers, service providers and researchers.
An occupational therapy intervention called Lifestyle Redesign focuses on helping people “redesign” daily habits to improve their health and wellness.
The USC Mrs. T.H. Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy has implemented several measures to minimize the risk of COVID-19 transmission among students, faculty, staff and patients.
As a teenager, Jasmin Sanchez suffered a painful medical emergency that taught her to stand up for herself. Now she’s a USC Dornsife undergrad determined to advocate for others.
Chances are you've had an aching back. Sometimes it takes expert detective work and an open mind to figure out why — and fix it for good.
According to U.S. News & World Report, the USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy is once again home to the top occupational therapy educational program.
Eddie Barojas was confined to a bed for years after developing a severe lymphedema. Today — thanks to a team of physical therapists, occupational therapists, urologists and wound-care specialists — he’s back on his feet and ready to return to comedy.
The collaboration aims to expand occupational therapy research, education and practice in China.
After Yijun “Jane” Liu and Hui “Angela” Wang earn their USC degrees, they’ll become the first occupational therapy faculty members at Peking University Health Science Center.