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USC has historically taken chances on innovative approaches to learning.
The Google-funded USC Election Cybersecurity Initiative has held workshops for officials around the country, bracing them for cyberthreats. Now, they are channeling their efforts into helping voters.
Hillary Clinton’s lead against Bernie Sanders has narrowed in recent months among registered Democrats and likely Democratic voters in California, with 45 percent now backing Clinton and 37 percent supporting Sanders. The poll also covers favorability for both Democratic candidates.
USC Kaufman student dancers are put to the test with just four days between auditions and the final show.
A 100-year-old World War II veteran, a Vietnam War Green Beret and a groundbreaking Black female pilot were among those honored.
Clinical trial diversity has two key ingredients: training and hiring a more diverse group of clinical professionals, and enrolling more racially and ethnically diverse participants.
Arena improvements are part of USC’s grand vision for its athletics facilities.
Scientists at USC Dornsife and the USC Michelson Center for Convergent Bioscience are hoping to spark drug research across the university by hosting a series of workshops starting Friday.
A human has nearly 100 times more nephrons, the functional units of the kidneys, than a mouse.